

The 6,000-year-old system of healing called Ayurveda -- Sanskrit for "science of life" -- teaches that a balanced lifestyle not only fights disease but also provides inexhaustible energy.If this sounds too good to be true, consider this: Thousands of people who have followed the ancient principles and practices of Ayurveda have been shown to have a biological age* that is five, 10 or even 15 years younger than their chronological age.

They have lower blood pressure... stronger immunity... less body fat... stronger bones... and healthier skin.

Here are nine strategies to help you achieve similar results...

Envision yourself as a young person. If you simply believe you can grow younger, you can influence the aging process.

How? Our passionate convictions spark the release of neuropeptides, brain chemicals that boost immunity, heighten vitality and relieve depression. Negative beliefs have the opposite effect.

Choose an age 15 years younger than your real age. Close your eyes and mentally repeat to yourself three times: Every day in every way, I am increasing my mental and physical capacity. I look and feel a healthy __ years of age. Affirm this upon awakening, before breakfast, before lunch, before dinner and at bedtime.

Meditate for 15 minutes twice a day. Psychological stress promotes physical decay and aging. Meditation is your best defense.

Sit comfortably in a quiet place. Close your eyes. Take a slow, deep breath through your nose while thinking the mantra So. As you exhale slowly through your nose, think the mantra So' Ham. ( " I AM" )

Consume foods from all the "six tastes." Ayurveda teaches that humans are programmed for six tastes. Within these taste categories, increase your daily intake of healthful foods and avoid unhealthful foods...

Astringent: Consume more beans, apples, berries, figs and green tea... drink no more than two cups of coffee per day.

Bitter: Eat more green and yellow vegetables. Don't worry about avoiding any bitter foods. Bitterness in food is usually a sign of health-giving properties.

Pungent: Eat more spicy foods, such as ginger, peppers, onions and cinnamon. There's no need to avoid any foods in this category.

Salty: Eat more fish, low-fat sauces and moderate amounts of soy sauce... reduce potato chips, pretzels and processed foods.

Sour: Eat more citrus fruits, berries and tomatoes... reduce intake of fermented foods and alcohol.

Sweet: Eat more whole grains, fruits, starchy vegetables, fish and low-fat dairy products... reduce refined sugars and animal fats.

Make prudent use of nutritional supplements. They are a convenient way to get key nutrients that may be lacking in your diet.Take a multivitamin-mineral supplement every day at double the recommended dose. That will give you the folic acid, B-12 and B-6 you need to prevent heart disease. Also take 400 international units (IU) of vitamin E to help prevent heart disease and cancer.

Women over age 45 should take 1,200 mg to 1,500 mg of calcium with 400 IU of vitamin D daily for bone health.

Vary your exercise routine. Walking the dog or gardening isn't enough. Humans need varied exercise, including stretching, aerobic activity and strength training. Yoga is superb...
This regimen increases muscle mass, aerobic capacity and bone density...
Stretch for five minutes before your exercise routine. Strength train for 20 minutes, three times a week, using weights for your arms, legs and trunk. Perform an aerobic activity, such as walking, for 20 minutes, three or four times a week.

Reduce nighttime stress. Humans need no more than eight hours of sleep each night. recommendations...

Eat a light dinner no later than 7 p.m. Take a short, leisurely walk after dinner. After 8:30 p.m., minimize mentally intensive activities, such as paperwork. One hour before bedtime, take a hot bath scented with lavender oil. After your bath, drink warm milk with honey. Go to bed by 10:30 p.m.

Ayurveda teaches that our biological rhythms make the hours of sleep before midnight the most rejuvenating. Adopt a younger attitude. To break out of habitual behavior patterns, change your route to work, your clothing, your opinion about someone. To boost creativity, seek novel solutions to problems.

Become more expressive of the love you feel. Love improves the immune system and speeds recovery from disease.

Helpful strategies: Listen attentively to others... express in words and/or actions your appreciation for others... and touch others lovingly. Maintain a youthful mind. These qualities include...

Spontaneity. Act on spontaneous impulses -- kiss your spouse, sing, draw a picture.

Curiosity. Read, take classes and visit new places.

Playfulness. Spend time with children, watch funny movies, tickle someone. Create lists of fun things to do -- and do them.
